Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (NIV).

A present reality of navigating the troubled waters known as COVID is that going to church, is for now, not allowed. Not to be confused with being the church.

This is not the first time that the church has had to navigate troubled waters. The church has survived every storm because Jesus called the church into being, He is the head of the church and He will sustain His church. The church meant everything to Jesus, and He sacrificed everything for His church. The church is, therefore, undefeatable and unstoppable.

Let’s be bold and ask each other just what going to church is all about. If it is to read the Bible, we can also do this at home. If it is to sing songs of praise, we can also do this at home. If it is praying, we can also do this at home. If it is to partake in Holy Communion, we can also do this at home. If it is receiving a sermon, we can receive it via email, Skype, or Zoom -at home.

Despite everything we can do for ourselves at home, we still need to frequently gather as the church and collectively partake in the same. The point is, we have unmet needs when we can’t go to church because we are not designed to live and worship in isolation, we are designed to live in a loving relationship with God and the community of believers who make up the church. Attending church is therefore an expression of corporate Christian fellowship. The family structure is another.

I need to speak to leaders of households – regardless of whether you find yourself in the midst of COVID troubled waters or not – about a pressing matter: have you or are you leading your household in Scripture reading, praise, prayer, teachings, and Holy Communion? This responsibility rests on your shoulders. Rise to the challenge!

#bethechurch #lead