How to Resist the Devil

How to Resist the Devil

Satan is a real, powerful personal being. And his influences and temptations are ever present. Scripture says, “Surrender to God! Resist the devil, and he will run from you.” But how do you surrender and resist? It starts with knowing and studying the Word...
When You Are Struggling With Faith

When You Are Struggling With Faith

The biblical purpose of faith is to bring us into the presence of God. But what if it feels as if I don’t have enough faith? Will my lack of faith prevent me from coming into the presence of God? The truth of the matter says that you can cry out like the man of Mark...
When There is No Way Out of Impossible Situations

When There is No Way Out of Impossible Situations

Don’t face your problems “ostrich style” with your head in the sand because you can look up to God. On the back of the Israelites are their enemies marching and travelling in chariots to take them. Josephus makes the whole number of Egypt’s army to be...
What’s Wrong?

What’s Wrong?

We can be certain that as things stand in the world, not all is well. If you look at your world, what do you see wrong and what is the fix? Just as a fish is not made for land and cannot continue there, we who believe are not made for the things of the world and...