Ps (Dr) Craig Mobey[1]


1.     Personal Note and Disclaimer

2.     Introduction

3.     Prejudices and Biases

4.     Developing the Inquiry into Credible Information

5.     Theological Considerations

5.1.       Divine Healing

5.2.       Aborted Foetal Cell Lines (Ethics)

5.3.       The Mark of the Beast

5.4.       Fatalism

5.5.       Is Jesus Your Vaccine?

5.6.       An Appropriate Christian Response to Covid-19

6.     If There Is Smoke, Then There Must Be Fire

6.1.       If the Covid-19 Vaccine Cannot Prevent Infection and Transmission, Then It Is Not a Vaccine and There Is Little Point in Taking It

6.2.       We Don’t Know the Long-Term Effects of the Covid-19 Vaccination” and “How Could Anything Developed This Quickly Be Safe?

6.3.       There Is Collusion between Governments or Secret Organizations and Big Pharma

6.4.       We Don’t Know What’s in the Vaccine

6.5.       They Are Going to Keep On Vaccinating Us, It Won’t Stop at Two Jabs

6.6.       100 People Died After Taking the Vaccine

6.7.       Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) Is Not Vaccinated

6.8.       We Are Part of an Experiment

6.9.       The Pfizer Vaccine is Not FDA Approved

7.     Notes on the Israel Situation

8.     Millions Have Already Been Vaccinated

9.     Conclusion

10.       Works Cited


1.          Personal Note and Disclaimer

This article reflects my thoughts and arguments that lead to my decision to vaccinate against Covid-19. I have no desire to engage in any pro or anti-vaccination debate; indeed, just as the reader is free to form his/her opinion, based on fact/or belief, so have I.

The information in this article is not intended to substitute the advice of psychologists, physicians, and other professionals. Professional consultation in matters relating to your health and particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention is important. Although I have made every effort to ensure that my information is correct and useful, I cannot be held liable for direct or indirect losses and/or damages of any kind.

2.          Introduction

There are strong arguments on both sides of the Covid-19 vaccination debate in general discussion, social media feeds and academics. The following themes are identified:People want to keep healthy and live a normal life.

2.1. Partial information and conspiracy theories are clouding credible information.

2.2. A firm foundation is a sensible point of departure toward informed decision making.

2.3. A cornerstone to a firm foundation surrounding the Covid-19 vaccination debate is, perhaps, the examination of one’s prejudices and biases.

3.          Prejudices and Biases

In context, prejudice reflects one’s differently informed attitude while bias reflects one’s inclination either for or against the Covid-19 vaccination. Prejudice is without (i.e., pre-judge) credible information or sufficient facts (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021), while bias (i.e., leaning to one side of the debate) is usually with the help of some supporting credible information (Merriam-Webster, 2021). Common to “prejudice” and “bias” is that upholding the typical person’s decision to accept or decline the Covid vaccination is what he/she accepts as credible information. Three matters need highlighting:

3.1. Technically, “credible,” demands evidence that can withstand or has withstood reputable academic and scientific interrogation, i.e., information that is “able to be believed or trusted” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2021).

3.2. The quest for credibility is obscured when wide-sweeping generalizations, partial information, misinformation, and conspiracy theories are not decisively dealt with.

3.3. “Going with the flow” does not lead to credibility.

4.          Developing the Inquiry into Credible Information

People process information through a series of filters (typically thinking styles, biology and genetics, language and culture and beliefs and values) that they have set in place. As information is filtered, some of it falls away and some progresses to the next round of filtering. In other words, a person’s reality is created by the way he/she looks at his/her world (Belling and Mangalaars, 2004). 

A person’s reality can therefore conflict with the technical definition of “credible.” The question is posited, “To what degree would refreshing one’s filters refresh a person’s position in the Covid-19 vaccination debate?” The following activities intend to refresh one’s filters:

4.1. Research academic material by examining what experts have written or said because their research methodology, results and recommendations are reviewed by other experts (peers) before publication. Academic material identifies the qualifications of the writer, credits sources and through a logical and balanced approach, leads to a credible conclusion.

4.2. Consult only reputable media and websites. If 60% positive answers (“yes” to 3 out 5) to the following questions can be achieved, then the information leans toward being credible:

  1. Who (person or persons) authored the information presented? Are the author(s) credentials (at least his or her academic qualifications and professional registration) known
  2. Are the principles of a good scientific study evident, i.e., repeatable, sampled, random, double-blind (preferable but not always possible), free of prejudice, unbiased, unemotional, and easily accessible?
  3. Is the information peer-reviewed?
  4. Is the information supported by other scientific bodies and/or accredited researchers in the field?
  5. Is the information presented professionally, i.e., free of spelling mistakes, up to date, relevant, well presented, concise etc.

4.3. Speak to knowledgeable people; people who are both qualified and active in their field of expertise. In context, a medical doctor is a knowledgeable person in the Covid-19 vaccination debate by virtue of his/her academic qualifications, professional registration, currency, and experience in the field.

4.4. Try to challenge both prejudice and bias. This is very difficult because firstly, it demands some self-awareness, secondly, one’s feelings on the matter are subject to change and thirdly, one selects one’s research material.

People reinforce their biases (Heshmat, 2015) and selectively recall information to reinforce biases; there is a technical term for this, “confirmation bias.” Therefore, there is wisdom in engaging the opposite end of your bias, for example, if one leans away from receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, then intentionally engage the arguments toward vaccination.

5.          Theological Considerations

Despite practising their faith, Christians are contracting and dying from Covid-19. Outbreaks of plagues are encountered in biblical history (e.g., Exodus chapters 7-10 and Numbers 16:49), in the time of Jesus (e.g., Matthew 9:35 and Mark 3:10) and will be encountered in the end times (e.g., Luke 21:11 and Revelation 16). The goal of the plagues sent by God always served a purpose, for example, repentance and restoration (e.g., 2 Chronicles 7:13-14), punishment (e.g., Numbers 16:49) or as a sign of the times (e.g., Revelation 11:6). A plague can also simply be the result of living in a fallen, imperfect world. Through all of this, even though one may not fully comprehend matters, the fact stands that God is sovereign (in the Christian faith) and will work all things to the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

A few theological concerns are surrounding the Covid-19 vaccination debate, some of which will be touched upon below:

5.1.      Divine Healing

There are many verses in Bible instructing Christians to pray for the ill (e.g., James 5:13-16), but the ill don’t always recover. God still heals and performs miracles, but it is not always God’s will to heal (physically) everyone immediately. Even in apostolic times, not everyone was immediately healed. Paul, for example, wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:23, “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.”[2] Healing in the Bible was never for personal convenience, but a sign from God for the purposes of God.

Unless the Lord returns, most people who are alive right now will exit this world because of an illness, accident and so forth. Christians should never demand of God that He immediately heals someone. The will and purposes of God are decisive (e.g., 1 John 5:14, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us”).

5.2.      Aborted Foetal Cell Lines (Ethics)

Concern has been expressed about the use of morally compromised foetal cells in the production of vaccines. There are two cell lines in question as it relates to the development of the Covid-19 vaccine: HEK293 (from kidney tissue of an aborted foetus in 1973) and PER.C6 (from retina cells of an aborted foetus in 1985). Of importance, is that HEK293 and PER.C6 cell lines used today are not actual foetal cells, but “descendants” of them (Kleinsman and O’Brien, n.d.).

Viruses that affect humans tend to grow better in human cells as opposed to animal cells. Whilst it may be true that foetal cell lines may have been used in the development of Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine (“proof of concept,”) the vaccine itself does not contain any aborted foetal cells (North Dakota Health, 2021) because it is synthetically produced from a laboratory DNA template (Pfizer, 2021).

It would appear though, that the Oxford-AstraZenca and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccines use the “descendent” cell lines as part of the production process (Kleinsman and O’Brien, n.d.). Having said this, they continue, “In terms of the manufacturing process, it is important to understand that once the vaccines are grown in the cells, the next step is to ‘purify’ the vaccine viruses by removing the cell culture material. Therefore, the final vaccine products contain no live tissue or cellular material from the cell lines on which they were developed or from the original aborted fetus.

5.3.      The Mark of the Beast

It has been suggested that the Covid-19 vaccination is linked to the mark of the beast.

Know that the mark of the beast is not a medical procedure, not physical and not something one can take by accident (Slick, 2013). The mark of the beast is intrinsically tied into the worship of the beast; it’s about loyalty and devotion to the beast; it’s a seal for the followers of the Antichrist. Carefully read the following Scriptures (underlined for emphasis):

  1. Revelation 13:15-16, “The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,
  2. Revelation 14:9 and 11, “A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: ‘If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand,’” … “‘And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.’”
  3. Revelation 20:4, “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
  4. Other Scriptures in the book of Revelation that link the mark of the beast with worshipping the beast are 15:2, 16:2 and 19:20. 

Christians bear the seal of God (John 6:27, 2 Timothy 2:19, Revelation 7:2 and 9:4). The Greek word (σφραγίς – sphragis) translated to “seal,” means to “stamp with a private mark.” The seal is the Holy Spirit according to Ephesians 1:13-14, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

The beast cannot remove God’s seal from a Christian, the beast is not powerful enough! Paul writes in Romans 8:38-39, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

5.4.      Fatalism

The fatalistic viewpoint argues, “I won’t take the vaccine, if I die, then I die. It is the fulfilment of God’s will.” 

Fatalism is the belief that everything is predetermined and therefore, inevitable. Humans are powerless to change what is to be (Merriam Webster, 2021). The Bible does not teach fatalism, although people sometimes intertwine fatalism and predestination.

  1. God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and infallible. In this sense, God knows one’s choices before one makes them. If one, using one’s free will, change one’s mind about something, God foreknew that as well (e.g., 1 John 3:20, Acts 15:18, 1 Peter 1:20 and 1 Kings 13:2).
  2. All have an appointment with physical death (e.g., Hebrews 9:27 and John 21:20-23), whether one is vaccinated or not.
  3. The Bible is pro-health (e.g., 1 Timothy 5:23, Isaiah 1:6 and Luke 10:34) and every Christian has a responsibility to look after his/her physical health to the best of their reason, understanding and ability.
  4. Every believer has a responsibility to consider the effects of his/her decision to vaccinate -or not on those he/she will encounter for, “…the body is not made up of one part but of many” (1 Corinthians 12:14).
  5. Fatalism points to circular reasoning: to leave things to its supposed fate, is a fateful decision.

5.5.      Is Jesus Your Vaccine?

Jesus is not a vaccine. Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus did not come to save us from Covid-19 or the Covid-19 vaccination; He came to save us from certain death because of our sins.

Claims that pleading the Blood of Jesus over oneself or partaking of Holy Communion will protect one against Covid-19 rests upon an unstable theological foundation:

  1. Holy Communion has no “magic” to it. In broad terms, Holy Communion is a Sacrament through which the believer encounters Jesus, is reminded of His death and resurrection, and looks forward to His glorious return (His second coming). 
  2. Pleading the Blood of Christ is typically a Pentecostal or Charismatic (although not universally so) prayer through which the power and victory of Jesus are spoken over any and every problem, illness, or challenge. From a Reformed perspective, it is argued that nobody in the Bible pleads the Blood of Jesus over anything, that Jesus has already defeated Satan, that believers are in Jesus and that believers are to submit to God and resist the devil.

5.6.      An Appropriate Christian Response to Covid-19

  1. Do not panic and do not fear. God is still in control (e.g., Proverbs 19:21, Psalm 22:28 and Colossians 1:17).
  2. Humble yourself and cast all your worries on Him (e.g., 1 Peter 5:7 and James 4:10).
  3. Pray for healing (e.g., James 5;14-15).
  4. Be wise and take reasonable steps to protect yourself, friends, and family.
  5. Be willing to share the Word, for, in God’s Word, we find God and therefore, His comfort and wisdom.
  6. Be willing to evangelize. With Covid-19, people may be facing questions about eternity.

For all people, living life also means facing suffering and death. Even if we develop immunity to Covid-19, there will still be trouble in the world. Theologically speaking, what is always best for us, in any situation, is to first seek God with all our hearts, “Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart—” (Psalm 119:2) and Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

6.          If There Is Smoke, Then There Must Be Fire

The saying “If there is some smoke, then there must be fire” is not new. But it discounts one important factor: logic. Some examples:

6.1.      If the Covid-19 Vaccine Cannot Prevent Infection and Transmission, Then It Is Not a Vaccine and There Is Little Point in Taking It

This statement is illogical because it supposes that there are only two endpoints (a false dichotomy) where there is in fact, a third: the vaccine is aimed at reducing both the severity and duration of a Covid-19 infection by:

  1. Resulting in fewer hospitalizations and deaths.
  2. Reducing (not eliminating) the probability of infection and transmission by lowering the viral load, thus less viral shedding (Ball, 2020) and lower transmissibility. 

One should also consider other high-risk people with co-morbidities, “It is not just I, but we” mindset (which is also a biblical principle, e.g., Philippians 2:3-4 and Romans 12:3). One must be cautious when making any decision on one’s presumed good health.

6.2.      We Don’t Know the Long-Term Effects of the Covid-19 Vaccination” and “How Could Anything Developed This Quickly Be Safe?

This statement is illogical (an appeal to ignorance) because it addresses what is not known as a basis for decision making. In contrast, an informed decision is always reached based on what is known:

  1. Vaccine history reveals that when vaccines have resulted in a severe adverse effect, the effect usually occurred within the first two months after vaccination (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2021).
  2. The FDA required companies making Covid-19 vaccinations to follow trial participants for a minimum of eight weeks before approval and these participants are still being followed (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2021).
  3. The current vaccine technology has been developed for more than 10 years when SARS1/MERS were threatening humankind and is now adjusted for SARS-COV-2 (Hansen, 2021).

6.3.      There Is Collusion between Governments or Secret Organizations and Big Pharma

This argument misses the point (a red herring[3]) in that it confronts the group who says that the vaccine is safe instead of addressing the problem of Covid-19 and the Covid-19 vaccine itself.

To deduce that there is secret collusion between governments, secret organizations, big pharma, and a person(s) as it relates to the Covid-19 vaccine must be proven by credible means, and even then, arguments should centre on the efficacy and safety of the Covid-19 vaccine itself. If not, one risks adding to a red herring, a causal fallacy.[4]

As a footnote, not all vaccines are the same. In this sense, it is unreasonable to compare the Covid-19 vaccine to any other: different vaccine structures address different illness structures.

6.4.      We Don’t Know What’s in the Vaccine

This argument is illogical (an appeal to ignorance). The Pfizer-BioTech Covid-19 vaccine’s ingredients are known Ravell (2021) and per Appendix C to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines Currently Approved or Authorized in the United States.

As a footnote, it is possible that one did not know what was in the several other vaccines (e.g., Polio, MMR, and Hepatitis A) one has received to date.

6.5.      They Are Going to Keep On Vaccinating Us, It Won’t Stop at Two Jabs

This is illogical (an appeal to ignorance) because it addresses what is not known. It also subliminally suggests that the vaccine is not effective. It would appear that booster dose(s) may be needed (refer to the discussion on the situation in Israel). Having said this, the possibility of a booster(s) is evidence in favour of a responsible response to the Covid-19 pandemic in that booster doses can be adjusted in response to mutations.

In a similar vein, an annual flu shot, which boosts the immune system, is recommended because it is a good medical decision based on credible evidence and not conspiracy theories, partial information, or misinformation.

6.6.      100 People Died After Taking the Vaccine

In a hypothetical country, it is normal for 200 people to die every month from cancer, heart attacks, strokes, old age, and vehicle accidents. In this country, 100 of the 200 people who died were vaccinated in the month of their death. Would it be false to state, “100 people die after taking the Covid-19 vaccine?” The statement is at the same time true and misleading (causal fallacy).

A “scare picture” was recently received with the following information as it relates to Australia for the period 1 January to 24 August 2021:

  • COVID deaths: 75.
  • Covid vaccine deaths: 456.
  • COVID-19 vaccine adverse events: 47,920.

According to the Australian Government Department of Health (Health Therapeutic Goods Administration, 2021) as of 15 August 2021, 15,341,039 doses of vaccines were administered. 50,597 reports of adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) were received (0.33%). 36% of AEFI reports were for the Comirnaty (BioNTech Pfizer) vaccination. The same page indicates that only seven (7) reports of death were linked to immunisation from 460 reports received and reviewed.

In Australia, as of 6 September 2021, most Covid-19 deaths were reported in the 70+ age group.  The Australian Government Department of Health also revealed on 6 September 2021, that a total of 1,044 people died from Covid-19 (Australian Government Department of Health. 2021).

In the USA, the CDC reported (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021) 7,218 deaths among the more than 363 million people who received a Covid-19 vaccination. This equates to 0.0020%.

In New Zealand, CNBC reported on 30 August 2021 the following (McDermid, 2021), “This is the first case in New Zealand where a death in the days following vaccination has been linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.”

As a footnote, the most common side effects following immunisation include headache, muscle pain, fever, chills, and injection site reactions (such as swelling, redness and tenderness), which usually last for 2 to 3 days following immunisation.

6.7.      Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer) Is Not Vaccinated

There are reports of him not being fully vaccinated. One video clip quotes him as saying in December 2020, during an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box” that he does not want to “cutting the line”–he did not want to jump the queue. Comments followed such as “That says a lot that the CEO of a vaccine manufacturer is not Vaxxed!” “Never trust a chef who won’t eat his own food” and “Ask yourself why he was not vaccinated?” (Reuters, 2021).

According to Reuters (2021), he received his second dose of the Covid-19 vaccination on 10 March 2021. A photograph of the vaccination was provided.

6.8.      We Are Part of an Experiment

There are various posts on social media claiming that humanity is part of a large experiment and that the Covid-19 vaccine is experimental, with some appealing to the Nuremberg code. Benedictus (2021) states:

“It’s normal that authorities continue to monitor the safety of these vaccines even after they have been approved. This monitoring happens with all vaccines, including those that have been in use for years, to detect any adverse effects. Just because studies into these vaccines are continuing, doesn’t mean anyone getting the vaccine in the nationwide roll-out is part of an experiment.”

During research, a most positive account (Moutinho, 2021) about a town in Brazil, Serrana, was encountered. Most of the residents received two doses of vaccine between February and April 2021 and the symptomatic cases of Covid-19 dropped by 80%, related hospitalization dropped by 86% and deaths dropped by 95%. At the same time, Covid-19 cases climbed in 15 nearby cities. Such results are not the product of experimental vaccination.

6.9.      The Pfizer Vaccine is Not FDA Approved

The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was approved on 23 August 2021 (U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2021): 

“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.”

7.          Notes on the Israel Situation

There is a lot of partial information about what is happening in Israel, a highly vaccinated country. Aljazeera, for example, has the following headline, “Israel struggles with COVID surge despite mass vaccinations” (Halpern, 2021). Fortune (Gale and Bloomberg, 2021) reports that booster shots may be required for the vaccine.

If not properly interpreted, said information can be misinterpreted to reinforce the impression of an ineffective Covid-19 vaccine. The quest for credible information insists on closer examination. 

In the Aljazeera report (Halpern, 2021), the subheading reads, “Israelis flouting mask requirements may have been a main contributor to the rapid spread of the Delta variant in Israel, experts say.” 

Further on into the Fortune report, Gale and Bloomberg (2021) write,

Twelve days or more after a booster dose of vaccine made by Pfizer Inc. and its partner BioNTech SE, the risk of a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection decreased 11.4-fold relative to people given only two jabs, researchers from Israel’s Ministry of Health and key scientific institutes found. A third dose was associated with at least a 10-fold reduction in the risk of falling seriously ill, according to the research released Friday.

Perhaps though, Lovelace’s (2021) report is most revealing:

  • Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, but still provides strong protection against severe illness and hospitalization, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.
  • “The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness according to the Israeli data.

A report by Alleruzzo (2021) mentions that 78% over 12 years of age has been vaccinated. At the same time, she reports that 25% of Israel’s population is under 12 years of age, so the vaccination rate for the country is about 60%. Also at 60% is the vaccinated hospital cases in what is known as a “paradox of vaccination.” Alleruzzo continues by stating that “…the rate of serious cases in Israel is double for unvaccinated under-60s and nine times higher for unvaccinated over-60s, so vaccines remain highly protective against severe outcomes.” Alleruzzo proposes that movement restrictions and mask-wearing were lifted too quickly following the arrival of the Delta variant which has an R0[5] of 6.4 compared to the previous variant which had an R0 of 2.5. What this means is that with the Delta variant, one infected person “…infects more than six others in the absence of restrictions and vaccinations.”

It is evident that experts are learning from Israel’s situation and are appropriately responding, for example, by considering Covid-19 vaccine boosters.

8.          Millions Have Already Been Vaccinated

Millions of people have been vaccinated more than two months back without serious effect. On this note, it is acknowledged that as with any medication or vaccination, there are cases where people sadly do experience adverse effects, ranging from mild to severe, with some dying. 

Since the Covid-19 vaccine does not contain live viruses, these people were either infected with SARS-CoV-2 before or shortly after the vaccination date. It typically takes 2-4 weeks for the body to build protection after the second dose of Pfizer or a single dose of Johnson and Johnson vaccination. 

9.          Conclusion

It is possible to engage arguments surrounding the vaccination debate as demonstrated. The sustainability of conspiracy theories and partial information rests solely on a lack of credible and fuller information. The many “horror vaccination stories” generate both fear and uncertainty. On the other hand, pursuing credibility and engaging the logic behind an argument generates a sense of calm.

People naturally gravitate toward the calm, and it is sometimes the very “horror stories” standing in the way of this gravitation. As mentioned, people reinforce their biases and, in this light, those opposing vaccination will find what they are looking for. On the other hand, the “calm stories” also have a tale to tell in that most people are doing just fine after being vaccinated.

It is not for me to say, “get vaccinated” or “don’t get vaccinated.” But there is wisdom to a credibly informed decision.

Whatever the origin of this pandemic, humankind is now paying the price.

10.       Works Cited

Alleruzzo, M. 2021. COVID Cases Are Rising in Highly Vaccinated Israel. But it doesn’t mean Australia should give up and ‘live with’ the virus. The Conversation, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from

Ball, J. 2020. Expert Reaction to Questions About COVID-19 and Viral Load. Science Media Centre, 2021. Accessed on 29 September 2021 from

“Behind the Science: What Is an mRNA Vaccine?” Pfizer, 2021. Accessed 13 September 2021 from

Belling, B. & Mangalaars, F. A. H. 2004. How Filters and Perceptions Influence Your Thinking, Behavior and Success in Project Management: “Mind Dancing” as a Way to Success and Leadership. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2004—EMEA, Prague, Czech Republic. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Benedictus, L. 2021. The COVID-19 Vaccine Programme Isn’t a Medical Experiment.” Full Fact, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from 

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“COVID-19 Vaccine Weekly Safety Report – 19-08-2021” Australian Government Department of Health Therapeutic Goods Administration, 2021. Accessed 06 September 2021 from

“Credible.” Definition of Credible. Cambridge Dictionary, 2021. Accessed 28 September 2021 from

“Fatalism.” Definition of Fatalism. Merriam Webster, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from

“Fact Check- Pfizer CEO Received His Second Dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine on March 2021.” Reuters, 2021. Accessed 06 September 2021 from

“FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine.” U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from

“Feature Article: Long-term Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine? What We Know.” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2021. Accessed 13 September 2021 from

Gale, J and Bloomberg. 2021. An Israeli Study Finds That a COVID Booster Shot Curbs the Risk of Serious Illness. Fortune, 2021. Accessed 06 September 2021 from

Halpern O. 2021. Israel Struggles With COVID Surge Despite Mass Vaccinations. Aljazeera, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from

Hansen, J. 2021. COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: How Could Anything Developed This Quickly Be Safe? The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2021. Accessed 29 September 2021 from

Heshmat, S. 2015. What Is Confirmation Bias? People Are Prone to Believe What They Want to Believe. Psychology Today, 2021. Accessed on 28 September 2021 from

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McDermid, B. 2021. New Zealand Reports First Death Linked to Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. CNBC, 2021. Accessed 06 September 2021 from

Moutinho, S. 2021. Brazilian Town Experiment Shows Mass Vaccination Can Wipe Out COVID-19.” Science, 2021. Accessed 07 September 2021 from

New International Version of the Bible. Biblica, Inc. TM.

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[1] Assisted by Doctor Amanda Stemmet (MD) with reviews by Doctor Graham Myers and Tanja Louw.

[2] Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version ® NIV ® Copyright © 1973 1978 1984 2011 by Biblica, Inc. TM. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

[3] A red herring argument is where matters are directed away from the relevant issue toward an irrelevant issue to which someone can better respond.

[4] A causal fallacy argues that a cause is related to an effect without first fully exploring the complex relationship between the two.

[5] RO is a mathematical term–a reproduction number–which expresses how contagious an infectious disease is.