Heart to Heart

Heart to heart is that safe space where it is okay to be yourself and to, with our biblically based help, rise to that place of optimal functioning in the Kingdom of God.

Highly negotiable fees vary, so please pop us an email and we can set up your first appointment.

Our Availability

Lizette: Monday to Friday 5-8 pm.

Craig: Monday to Friday 2-8 pm.

Specialist Christian Pastoral Counselling

Many people conduct pastoral counselling, but only a select few can call themselves a specialist based on a post-graduate qualification.

Specialist Christian pastoral counselling focuses on specific issues to help a person address a particular challenge, such as stress management through taking action and reviewing behaviour. In counselling, which is typically shorter-term than therapy, the client is taught to address their challenges through spiritual growth, guidance, support, techniques and by making sensible lifestyle changes.

When should you see a specialist Christian pastoral counsellor?

When you…

  • Have specific issues or short-term challenges.
  • Want to learn coping skills to help better manage stress and improve relationships.
  • Are facing life transitions and adjustments.
  • Are coping with addiction issues.
  • Are looking for someone who can guide and support you as you learn to recognize problems and formulate healthy solutions.

Lizette and Craig, who have written acclaimed Christian pastoral counselling courses, workshops, webinars and seminars which are in use both nationally, and internationally are standing by for you!

When should you see a pastoral therapist?

When you…

  • Have challenges that are impacting your life and relationships.
  • Are struggling with past or present trauma, anxiety or stress.
  • Have reason to believe that past situations are affecting your life.
  • Have identified a challenge, such as depression, that is affecting your spiritual or emotional well-being.

Pastoral Therapy

Therapy, which focuses on feelings and experiences, is a highly effective approach to solving various challenges. In therapy, the focus is on how a person’s spirituality, thoughts and behaviour affect the client’s interaction with their world and worldview. Having established this, the focus shifts to optimal biblically-based functioning and world engagement.

Therapy aims to help people grow in spirituality, reach personal goals, understand and resolve destructive patterns and behaviour, regulate thinking, enhance productivity, improve emotional responses and have generally more satisfying relationships with self, others and God.

Lizette, having a post-graduate qualification in pastoral therapy, is an in-demand therapist who has been teaching others pastoral therapy for years and is waiting to walk with you, the road to wholeness.

When should you see a Christian coach?

When you…

  • Are surrounded by stress and need help to handle it.
  • Are experiencing conflict in a relationship or at work.
  • Feel stuck in life.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Don’t know what the next better step in life is.

Either Craig or Lizette can assist you along biblical principles to live, move and have your being in Him (Acts 17:28).

Christian Coaching

Christian coaching focus on creating new biblically based life paths to achieve individualized goals. Unlike counselling and therapy, the focus of Christian coaching is on the ‘now and what next’ as exciting solutions are discovered and implemented.

A Counsellor’s Counsellor

Who counsels the counsellor? As counsellors, we are constantly exposed to client’s callouts for help as well as narratives of pain, turmoil, confusion and even abuse. When last did a client book a few sessions because of their blissful, inspiring and complete life? Client narratives are taking their toll on you as a counsellor, reach out and allow either of us to help you restore and refresh.

Mentorship (Peer Support Groups)

This was born out of a desire to assist people to move from where they are, to become the best that they can be. Mentoring is about relationship, encouragement and support that takes place in a structured manner.

The current mentorship programmes are:

Leadership support and development

Leaders are people who take others to a ‘better’ place.  The question is how do I do this? We begin by learning how to lead ourselves within the fragility of our humanity.  Leadership begins with us! It begins with you! Do you want to encourage others to become more? Join us and learn how.

Wholehearted living

The question is are you surviving or thriving? Are you existing or are you living? Learn the difference by connecting to your authentic self, here you will grow into the person God has created you to be.

Applying current and developing new models. – Growing in my application of counselling

Growing and adapting is desperately needed today. Christian counsellors are overwhelmed with information.  It brings us back to the question in Eden – the choice between good and evil, between life and death. This programme will assist you to stay ‘trendy’ yet not to compromise your belief system.  This is a practical programme designed to assist you to live out your calling.

Mentoring forms a bridge between the coaching and the counselling relationship.  Great leaders know the importance of community and this is what is provided by this program.  Join us and grow into the leader God has destined you to be.

Discipleship Programs

All discipleship programs are available either in a self-study pdf format or we can present them for you over the course of a weekend.

Each course costs R750, please pop us an email.

After Divorce Care

Growing and adapting is desperately needed today. Christian counsellors are overwhelmed with information.  It brings us back to the question in Eden – the choice between good and evil, between life and death. This programme will assist you to stay ‘trendy’ yet not to compromise your belief system.  This is a practical programme designed to assist you to live out your calling.

Mentoring forms a bridge between the coaching and the counselling relationship.  Great leaders know the importance of community and this is what is provided by this program.  Join us and grow into the leader God has destined you to be.

Pre-marital Counselling

Is prevention better than cure?

Comprehensive premarital counselling can assist couples to better understand what biblical marriage is and to better navigate their marriage through life’s inevitable challenges with the help of God, who blesses marriage.

Pre-marital counselling is a wonderful opportunity to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ into the present and future because it is only through the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit that a biblical marriage and honour God who instituted it. 

Perhaps you are thinking of getting married or want to make an already good marriage better? This is the course for you!

An Introduction to Theology

As Christians grow, they naturally want to learn more. This discipleship program set about explaining theological terms and then delves into God’s being and acting. Stepping forward, the program outlines the various fields of theology and highlights some differences between the way people believe. Highly beneficial is that critical Christian doctrines are briefly mentioned following which, the major Christian confessions and catechisms are briefly covered. This discipleship program closes off with a quick overview of Christianity. At the end of the day, the believer is strengthened in his or her faith.

Improving Emotional Intelligence

Some psychologists, such as Goleman, claim that EQ is more important than IQ. Something to think about…

The Cambridge Dictionary describes emotional intelligence as, ‘The ability to understand the way people feel and react and to use this skill to make good judgments and to avoid or solve problems.’

Emotional intelligence is widely regarded as the best predictor of success in life. No matter how emotionally intelligent a person is, there is always room to develop and grow. Why would you not want to do this course?

Making a Good Marriage Better

Is any marriage as good as it can be? Is there no room for enrichment? This program has 5 parts to it, (1) wedding vows, (2) communication, (3) conflict management, (4) intercourse (sex) and (5) general enrichment. Even if one’s marriage is very good, this program has the potential to improve any marriage.

Copyright © 2021 S.L. Mobey and C.F. Mobey all rights reserved. No part of this website or its accompanying materials or information contained herein may be used, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except as may be expressly permitted by the applicable copyright laws or in writing by either S.L. Mobey or C.F. Mobey.

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