Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
Some pastors re-preach and re-teach them or use them as a base to their own sermon preparation. Sermons reach people across the world and are available to you via YouTube or if you so prefer, via email in a pdf format. Please pop us an email and we will gladly add you to our mailing list.
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Does God Notice Me in My Difficulties?
Life might have left you wondering if God notices what you are going through and does He care? Yes He does. Because of Jesus' love, grace and mercy, we can in faith, cast our problems on Him, leave them there with Him in trust and depart with the peace of Christ....
Courage is Fear Holding on for a Moment Longer
Terror says, “I can’t fix or run from my situation and there is no hope” and faith says, “I will fear no evil because God is with me.” If you give in to your fears, you are on the path to defeat. If instead, you stand strong in spite of your fears, you are on the path...
Changing the Future Course of History
It is time that we sat down and had a heart-to-heart conversation about forgiveness. There is simply too much hurt, sadness and strained relationships…we cannot any longer, remain silent. Emotional pain hurts more than physical pain because unprocessed emotional pain...
Are You a Mistake?
Ephesians 1:4, "For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight." In this life, we – at some point – need to shed those lies that we have agreed to “own.” These lies can be those we tell ourselves or those told to us by...
An Attitude of Gratitude
We love gratitude. Why? Because it's a feeling in your heart, it is an expression in words and it is paying it forward. Practicing gratitude will help with depression, anxiety and general mental health. Gratitude will strengthen your relationships with God and with...
5 Different Types of Anger and What to Do About It
Ecclesiastes 7:9, ‘Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.’ After the initial anger comes bitterness, after bitterness comes rage, which is bitterness that has reached an angry boiling point. Rage is furious anger expressed....
Whatever He say, do it!
Whatever He Says Do It 6 June 21Download Today message comes from John 2:1-10, Jesus’ first miracle. Mary said two things. To Jesus, she said, ‘They don’t have any more wine.’ To the servants, she said, ‘Do whatever Jesus tells you to do.’ Are you and I, in our lives,...
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