Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
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Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?
At face value, I am sure that many Christians would identify as both a fan and a follower of Jesus. Now that I said this, I am sure that many are cautiously thinking about the differences and deciding whether or not they are the same thing, or should they choose one...
Thoughts on Revival
Are you tired? Feeling drained? Feeling a bit lost? Then this message is for you! I was reading in Luke 8 about a dead girl and a sick woman. It is a well-known piece where the ruler of the synagogue, Jairus, asks Jesus to come to his house and heal his ill daughter....
Promise Never to Hide Yourself When in Pain
It read, “promise me never to hide yourself when in pain; it’s unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone” ~ unknown. And this got me thinking. Deeply. On the one hand, pain that cuts to the bone is a lonely kind of pain. There may be tell-tale signs that...
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
1 Corinthians 15:14, “And if Christ wasn't raised to life, our message is worthless, and so is your faith.” May any doubts be set aside and your faith in Christ be strengthened. 2022-April-The-ResurrectionDownload
Eater is Not Pagan
There are claims that the name “Easter” is pagan, the dates are incorrect, the symbols of Easter are pagan and that even if Easter were not pagan, we have no instruction to celebrate it. I disagree. Easter is the time of year when Jesus rose from the dead, and there...
How to Pray (Part 2)
Nehemiah’s prayer was simple, but powerful: praise, petition, confession, reminding God, humility, ask and close off. It so often happens that prayers begin with “ask.” I am not saying that Nehemiah’s prayer is the only “model” (for lack of a better description), but...
Praying for the Church that is in a War Zone
The war in Ukraine, I must confess that although my mind was on Sunday worship, world peace and fuel prices, it was a "rude" awakening to read of a minister that was hosting evening prayer meetings, for his congregation as well as for the parents of the children who...
Let’s Talk About The Lord’s Supper
During the Passover meal, Jesus blessed, broke, and offered bread to His disciples, saying, “Take eat, this is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” Then, He passed around a cup, telling them to divide it among them: “This cup that is poured...
My Thoughts on I Decree and Declare
“I declare and I decree” has a lot of assumed authority to it. But do we need to “declare and decree?” Well, if you decree it, you must also make it happen. But if you want a prayer answered, then pray in submission to His will. Align your heart, desires and will with...
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