Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
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How to Pray Part 1 – Back to Basics
How is your prayer life? Are you struggling to find something to say to God? Does it feel like you are in a spiritual drought? Do you know what you want to say, but are battling to verbalize it? Do your prayers sound a bit like a shopping list?...
Wait for the Lord be strong and take heart
If we are going to be confident in God, we must also have confidence in God’s timing. I need to grow. I need to confess who God is in my life, not only in a time of trouble, but always. Confession of who God is and what He has done, trust in God and knowing God...
My Help Comes from the Lord – A Study on Psalm 121
One of my mentors explained that as people, we are usually getting into trouble, in trouble or getting out of trouble. I agree. However, just because we are seemingly surrounded by trouble, that doesn’t mean that the peace of Christ is absent, on the contrary, in John...
Living Before the Face of God
The very act of setting a new year resolution is also a statement that there is something in your life that must change or be done differently. It means that you are dissatisfied with something and are resolving to do something else from a future point in time. How...
I Knew I Was Beginning to Heal When
Proverbs 4:23 reads, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Just how do we do this during conflict? We have a choice, to react or to respond. There is a world of difference between the two. This morning’s message discusses each and...
You Can’t Change What You Don’t Confront
I have, over the years, encountered people who feel far from God. When we start to explore that narrative, this distance is “felt,” usually because of unresolved sin or a cooling down in their spiritual disciplines. Some said that God is close when He feels close. The...
God, please don’t look at me
“God, please don’t look at me” is not a very loud prayer and perhaps not everyone will admit to praying it. But for us who, are aware of the presence of the Lord, will struggle to pray that prayer and commit that sin while we are aware of the presence of the...
Encouragement: Repent and Do the Things You Did at First
You cannot "fall" out of love. Falling out of love is not a “something that happens.” Falling out of love is a choice. And that choice is made when the couple or one of the two take their or his/her eyes off Christ. This is also how your affection and love for Christ...
Rediscover Your Purpose in Life
Have you thought about how you will describe your life towards its end? Have you given your all or did you hold back? Did you fight the good fight or throw in the towel? Did you finish the race or give up? Did you keep your faith? If you have not discovered your...
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