Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
Some pastors re-preach and re-teach them or use them as a base to their own sermon preparation. Sermons reach people across the world and are available to you via YouTube or if you so prefer, via email in a pdf format. Please pop us an email and we will gladly add you to our mailing list.
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Wedding Vows – Making a Good Marriage Better
What value or meaning do you still couple to your wedding vows? Where do you place them in the good and not so good times? What does it mean to never forsake, love, live with and remain loyal? Remember what the minister said, "Know that God has joined you together and...
Unconflicting Marriages and Relationships
Conflict management is more about right standing with God as a couple than it is about being in right standing with each other. If Jesus is the lens through which you view your wife/husband and other relationships, then you should be seeing people as God sees them....
Un-Loneliness – The Transition from Loneliness to Belonging
Do you see yourself as one of many islands in the sea? Lonely? Here is the 'thing' - even an island is connected by both earth and sea. Find out how to step off of loneliness into belonging and fellowship. Un-lonlinessDownload
Turning Point – To Success From Failure (1)
Measurements of success that are rooted in a mentality of comparison demands that you swap what God sees in you with what you see in someone else in relation to yourself. Sadly, in this sense, success is on the outside of who you are, and who you are is...
Turning Point – To Success From Failure (2)
At face value, there appears to be a fine line between ‘endure’ and ‘persevere.’ Endurance speaks to your stamina and persistence. To persevere means to keep on moving forward towards a purpose (with its goals) and to overcome setbacks, hurdles, and disappointments,...
Turning Point – From Information to Transformation
Information about the Holy Spirit is not enough! We have to move from information to transformation which takes place in our hearts through the working of the Holy Spirit. • What would a snapshot of your devotion to Christ look like? • To what extent do you live what...
Turning Point – From Hesitant to Confident
A mentality of comparison is one of the killers of confidence because it replaces God’s vision with your vision. It replaces what God sees in you with what you see in yourself. What turns “who am I, what shall I say, what if and send someone else” into confident...
Turning Point – Inside the Moment Between Fear and Courage
Just how long is that space between fear and courage? And what happens inside it? This sermon will - step by step - help you to make better decisions during a time of crisis. TURNING-POINT-–-INSIDE-THE-MOMENT-BETWEEN-FEAR-AND-COURAGEDownload
The Upside to the Pain of Rejection
You reject when choose differently and you are rejected when the enemies of the cross notice it. Is that such a bad thing? The-Upside-to-the-Pain-of-RejectionDownload
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