Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
Some pastors re-preach and re-teach them or use them as a base to their own sermon preparation. Sermons reach people across the world and are available to you via YouTube or if you so prefer, via email in a pdf format. Please pop us an email and we will gladly add you to our mailing list.
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The Symbols of Christmas
John 1:17, "For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." It is true that some Christian symbols are or were used in paganism, but this is certainly not the association a practising Christian has got to have with the symbol, and it...
The Next 40 Days
The 40 Days between Resurrection Sunday and Jesus' Ascension. Acts 1:3, 'After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God' (NIV)....
The Compassionate Jesus
Compassion is not only recognizing another’s distress but a willingness to do something about it. To both Jairus and the bleeding lady, 1. Jesus was accessible. 2. More than accessible, Jesus was available. Jesus, our hope, restores life and restores physically,...
Thank God My Wife is Not the Same Person I Married
Spreuke 18:22, ‘Wie ‘n vrou gevind het, het iets goeds gevind en ‘n welgevalle van die HERE verkry’ (AOV). Proverbs 18:22, 'A man's greatest treasure is his wife— she is a gift from the LORD' (CEV). Do I love my wife more today that on our wedding day? Yes. Even with...
Stop Weeping, Stop!
The funeral is over. As long as Jesus is involved, there is always life. Stop weeping, stop! Take off your funeral clothing and get dressed for worship! Stop-Weeping-StopDownload
Speaking of Anxiety
Psalm 94:19, “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” A quick question, when we, as Christians, experience anxiety, does it mean that our faith is failing? Know that as Christians, our story of life is framed by belief in Jesus Christ and...
Replacing Conflict With Unity
When we are in a state of conflict, the danger is that instead of focussing on Jesus, we instead focus on our need for victory; our need to be right. In Ephesians 4:4-6, Paul reminds us, ‘There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you...
Psalm 23 The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Many notable Bible figures: Moses, Joseph and David, for example, made it to higher ground, but not without first going through the valley of the shadow of death. A shadow itself is harmless – it can’t hurt you, nor can it exist without light defining its shape: • We...
Positive Confession Theology – Some Reflections
“The time is coming when people won't listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear” (2 Timothy 4:3). In this morning’s message, we reflect over some elements of positive...
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