Sermon Database
Our sermons are solid teachings that are relevant and to the point at between 14 and 20 minutes long.
Some pastors re-preach and re-teach them or use them as a base to their own sermon preparation. Sermons reach people across the world and are available to you via YouTube or if you so prefer, via email in a pdf format. Please pop us an email and we will gladly add you to our mailing list.
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Hope, Belief, Faith and Trust Within Your Life
What is your relationship with God saying? 1. I am stuck at the edge of what, a few moments ago was a sea. I hope the Lord will bring me through this. I believe that God can do this. But … but … but. 2. I am moving forward in the light of the Lord along the way the...
God, I Have a Complaint
Habakkuk is divided into 3 parts; (1) watch and see, (2) stand and see and (3) kneel and see. In spite of what Habakkuk saw, he prayed, 'O LORD, I have heard of what you have done, and I am filled with awe. Now do again in our times the great deeds you used to do. Be...
God Became Man – A Reason to Celebrate
Christmas is not pagan. There, I said it! Now let’s talk about it. Scripturally, the birth of Christ is a cause of thankfulness, joy and celebration. In celebrating Christmas, we thankfully celebrate our Saviour, because we needed deliverance. God got involved, He...
From Suffering to Hope
All of us can relate to suffering, and we don’t like it. Suffering does not mean the absence of the peace of Christ, on the contrary, into our suffering we take the joy of our salvation and the victory of Christ. From-Suffering-to-HopeDownload
From Grumbling to Inspiration
In difficult moments, you have a choice: trust God or grumble. This morning’s text is from Exodus 16:1-7 Manna did not last. It went off, Jesus, on the other hand said in John 6:35, “Then Jesus declared I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry,...
Finding Peace in the Times in Which We Live
The Doomsday Clock is at 100 seconds to midnight. Christianity and Christians are under attack. At the same time, we desire peace. How now? Worldly peace requires the absence of something (conflict etc.) while Jesus’ peace requires the presence of someone (Him)....
False Teaching and How You Can Avoid Falling for Them
Jesus said, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me’ (John 14:6). Teaching a different Jesus, another Jesus or no Jesus will result in eternal destruction because there is only one God, one Jesus, one Holy Spirit, one...
Entering the Tears of Others
Where there are tears, there is also life. Indeed, it is the living who cry, not the dead. And as we grow older, the sound of tears change and its cause deepens. Entering-the-Tears-of-OthersDownload
Easter 2021 – No Condemnation
Romans 8:1, "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus," If there is now no condemnation, then there must have been a time when there was condemnation. Something changed. Jesus died and rose from the grave to set us free from the power...
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