MePeople has faith-based specialist Christian (biblical) pastoral counsellors.

While that may sound like a mouthful, it must be seen in the light of the – faulty – widely held assumption that pastoral, spiritual and Christian counselling are one and the same. Let me explain…

Where a religious leader’s advice is sought, per a given orientation of faith, pastoral counselling results. Pastoral counselling, therefore, is not an activity exclusive to the Christian faith.

Christians are dependent on the Holy Spirit, who is the counsellor that Jesus sent to us. Some Africans seek advice from the forefathers. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and other religions usually have a spiritual basis and outcome to their counselling activities. Spiritual counselling is therefore not an activity exclusive to the Christian faith.

Then there is the world of difference that exists between Christian (biblical) counselling and a Christian counsellor. The former refers to Christian (biblical) counselling as a discipline and the latter refers to a Christian counselling people. This also where things get interesting:

  • A Christian counsellor refers to a Christian person counselling another person. In this sense, a psychologist – i.e., a follower of Jesus – can counsel people according to psychological doctrine which may or may not agree with biblical doctrine.
  • Christian (biblical) counselling refers to the discipline of Christian biblical counselling. The Christian biblically counselling others is ideally qualified in theological studies and will counsel according to biblical doctrine which may or may not agree with psychological doctrine. A Christian counsellor doing Christian (biblical) counselling is the sweet spot.
  • The Christian counsellor as well Christian counselling can subscribe to a conservative, post-modernist/foundationalist or an “in-between” point of departure. Usually, it is only the conservative Christian counsellor that will uphold established and proven conservative biblical beliefs.

Resultant is that under the broad umbrella of Christian (biblical) counselling are several approaches, for example, kerygmatic, narrative, nouethic, NLP, bipolar, educative and more. Each approach has defining characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and varying interdisciplinary interdependencies.

To summarize:

  • To speak of pastoral or spiritual counselling fails to indicate religion.
  • To speak of a Christian counsellor indicates that a Christian (a layperson, psychologist etc.) will do the counselling.
  • To speak of Christian (biblical) counselling refers to the counselling discipline.
  • To speak of a specialist usually indicates the presence of a reputable post-graduate qualification. With Inspired Women as well as FaithCoach, from the University of the Free State, MINTS International Seminary and the South African Theological Seminary.

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